The Exchange: Displaced II

Meet the characters

Kev Pearson

35, codename: Conundrum. Stranded in 1981 at his childhood home in Eldersburg, Maryland.

Connor MacKenzie

34, head of the FCA, codename: TDI-1. Keeper of the temporal Bruder Trinity Element. Rescues Pearson from 1981.

Tom Richards (Richaurdus)

Age unknown, Bruder living as a human, oversees the Earth Station One complex buried beneath the Liberty Reservoir. die Widerstand healer.

Jim Marks (Markaurdus)

Age unknown, Bruder living as a human, acting as the 20th-century liaison to the FCA. die Widerstand Bruder spiritual leader.

Kristina Ecklie

39, FCA Chief Medical Officer, living aboard FCA-1 in 2095. Born in 2000, birthplace unknown.

Ryan Capesseo

24, FCA second in command, codename: TDI-2. Keep of the visual Bruder Trinity element.

Victor Merrick

23 in 1991. Martin’s best friend from childhood. Kidnapped by Daniel in 1989 and held hostage for two years as part of an exchange with the I.A. Victor for the mint-stamped 2025 quarter containing encrypted data for lost FCA assets. Unknown what the I.A. wants with Victor.

Jonas Buckley

42, Corporation agent, living somewhere in Baltimore County, Maryland. Recaptues Victor after he steals Dan’s 2025 quarter.

Daniel Wilson

79 in 2025, asks for asylum from Connor and the FCA in exchange for Corporation intel.

Martin Wexler

31, FCA third in command, Codename: TDI-3. Abandons the FCA after betraying them to help save Victor. Jim Marks relieves him of the spiritual Bruder Trinity element.

Chief Christopher Manyette

33, holds the rank of Chief, overseeing clandestine FCA activity at Earth Station Five aka Area 51.

Lukcaurdus (Luke)

Age Unknown. Bruder living as a human. Oversees the entrance to Earth Station One via a hatch in his home. The same home Pearson grew up in until they left in 1981. Former die Widerstand infantry.